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Referrals & Resources


You’re already exhausted from parenting every day. The last thing you want is to spend hours researching child behavior experts and driving to appointments to see who is a good fit.

We offer free referral services to therapists certified in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) & the Parent-Child Care Protocol (PC-CARE) developed at UC Davis Children’s Hospital. We’ll help you find the right family therapist near you who accepts your insurance.

PCIT and PC-CARE are research-based family therapy models that provide parents with specific tools to manage difficult child behaviors such as hitting, kicking, biting, tantrums and refusing to follow directions and that help repair and strengthen the parent-child relationship that can be taxed by a child’s difficult behaviors.

Research shows that PCIT can have a dramatic impact on child behavior in as little as 14 weeks and PC-CARE in as little as 7 weeks.

We also offer assistance finding local resources for families and with finding unique solutions for insurance coverage when there are no local PCIT or PC-CARE therapists who accept your insurance.

Contact us today so we can help you find the best therapist to support you and your family.

Certified Therapist Directories

Referrals to PCIT & PC-CARE Therapists

Models playing on the floor with Lego bricks and building blocks.

Let us help!


Parent Support Workshops:

  • Free, online workshops to teach families the principles of PCIT in a educational format with other families who understand the ups and downs of raising with big emotions and challenging behaviors.

Family & Parent Coaching

  • Check out our Family & Parent Coaching Program based on PC-Care.

International PC-Care Training and Certification Program

  • This program – for physicians, therapists, healthcare providers, para-professionals who work with children and families, and those who have graduated from receiving PC-Care – teaches more than 20 evidence-based parenting strategies to help families in your care with children ages 1-12 with emotional or behavioral challenges.


More Resources

Models sitting on the floor enjoying a playful tea party.


Article about PC-CARE


Children Ages 1-12

Request a free Referral, and we will send you a list of certified providers near you.

UC Davis Children's Hospital offers a Free PC-CARE Learning Center with videos to understand your child’s behaviors and strategies for strengthening the parent-child bond and managing behaviors. Disponible en Español.


Contacting Insurance

To find a therapist who provides the type of support you seek, you can ask your doctor or pediatrician for a referral, or you can call your insurance company directly by dialing the number on your insurance card. You can ask for a list of therapists in your area who can work with the age and challenge for which you are seeking support.


Foster Care Resources

If your child has been placed in foster care or you are a fostering a child, Sesame Street has created Foster Care Toolkit to empower you with resources for “rebuilding family structures and children’s sense of safety and personal stability.”

Also, families can inquire about eligibility and availability for online behavior coaching with Bright Life Kids for sleep issues, worry, social skills, and more. Sign up is Free.


Selective Mutism

If you child speaks in some situations but is hesitant in others, the Selective Mutism Association Directory has a list of providers you can search through to find


Children with an Incarcerated Parent

Sesame Street Toolkit for
coping when a parent or loved one who is incarcerated


Autism Supports

You can contact your pediatrician or insurance company directly to inquire about an evaluation for autism and ABA support services that can potentially provide many more hours of in-home support per week than therapy.

Also, your child may also qualify for Regional Center services if you live in California. If you live in the Inland Empire, you can call (909) 890-3000 to inquire about an evaluation.

You can also call your local school district in the United States to see if your child qualifies for autism related services. For children under 3, services may be provided in home.


Divorce & Custody Resources

Sesame Street Toolkits for Parents: Toolkit for parents dealing with divorce, including how to help your children adjust to two homes.

Changeville: An interactive website for children, to help them learn about what to expect and how to deal with their feelings and emotions during their parents’ separation.

California Courts Resources


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

If you suspect your child may have OCD, the International OCD Foundation has a resource directory you can search through to find help.


School Behavior

Whether your child is home schooled or attends charter, private, or public school, you can contact your school district's special education department and request an IEP evaluation if your child is having trouble with school work or behaviors that interfere with school work.


Teens and Tweens

The following resources are for your consideration.


Free Nationwide Resource Search Box

Did you know we offer FREE Parent Support Workshops that you can attend via web conference?

Did you know we offer FREE Parent Support Workshops that you can attend online via web conference?

New workshops starting soon! Check out the dates and register today!